
Existing customer - Retrieve your registration key.

If you lost your registration keys, you can recover them by entering your email.

Email Us:
Email us with any support or registration questions or feature suggestions.

System Requirements

Supported operating systems: Every remotely-recent version of Windows, including (but not limited to, as new versions get released): Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and Windows Server.

New! Also supports Mac on OS X / macOS Yosemite (10.10) or newer


Can FrameShots process video thumbnails via the command line?
Yes. Please see our command line instructions.
I have purchased FrameShots and have not received my registration key.

Please keep in mind that various reasons can cause a delay of up to 24 hours before a registration key is received. In most cases a registration key will be emailed within a few minutes after purchase.

Also, be sure you are watching for the registration key in the email account you used when purchasing FrameShots. Check your spam folder, as well. Sometimes our order confirmation emails get caught by overzealous spam filters. Please email us if you feel there is a problem with receiving your registration key. Be sure to include your order number.

I have lost my registration key! Can you please send it to me again?
Yes. Please email us your name, the email address you used to purchase FrameShots, or a sales receipt and we will send you a copy of your registration key.
Do you offer any bulk registration discounts?
Interested companies, please email us.
I do not feel comfortable using my credit card on the Internet. Do you offer any off-line options for purchasing FrameShots?
Yes. Please email us your request for an off-line purchase. We appreciate your business in any form.
I have a suggestion for an improvement or future feature of FrameShots.
Wonderful! We love suggestions. Please email us your great idea.
I have another problem or bug to report.
Please email us your DirectX version (see the first question in the FAQ for instructions on how to find your DirectX version number), Windows Media Player version, operating system, and a description of your problem or any error messages.

Command-Line Options

Standard Locations:

You will need to use these locations in place of 'frameshots' below


C:\Program Files (x86)\FrameShots\frameshots.exe

Mac OS X:



frameshots [options] "input file" [output folder]

Put quotes around any options that may contain spaces. For instance, if your file name is My Video.avi then make sure you type:

frameshots "My Video.avi"


"C:\Program Files (x86)\FrameShots\frameshots.exe" –ms 500 myvideo.mpeg "D:\my videos\"

This takes the video myvideo.mpeg and at every 500 milliseconds, captures a screenshot and saves the thumbnails to "D:\my videos\".

frameshots –count 20 -width 250 -height 200 D:\vidtest\myvideo.mpeg D:\vidtest\new

This captures 20 screenshots from the movie myvideo.mpeg and saves the thumbnails to D:\vidtest\new. Thumbnails will be 250 pixels wide by 200 pixels tall.

frameshots –count 10 –skipfront 500 -fileprefix vid_ -filesuffix _tn -t -filetype bmp -log logfile.txt D:\vidtest\myvideo.mpeg D:\vidtest\new

This skips the first 500 milliseconds of myvideo.mpeg, then captures 10 screenshots and saves the thumbnails to D:\vidtest\new. Output files will be named vid_myvideo001_tn.bmp vid_myvideo002_tn.bmp etc.

FrameShots defaults to using any values you have setup in the normal user interface. So if you do not specify an option here, it will use whatever value is setup in the application itself.

Contact me if you need help setting up a custom command line.


Option Description
-c, --count number The number of thumbnails/images to create from a video file. Use this or -ms
-ms milliseconds The number of milliseconds to skip each time to create from a video file. Use this or -thumbs
-skipfront milliseconds How many milliseconds to skip from the front of a video before processing. This is useful when many videos have garbage or black video at the beginning.
-skipback milliseconds How many milliseconds to skip from the back of a video when processing. This is useful when many videos have garbage or black video at the end.
-height image height
-width image width
Specify the dimensions of the output images. Set either one to 0 to use the full video size.
-cropthumb Crops the images to be the exact size specified. Without this option the images will be resized within the height and width specified, retaining aspect ratio.
-brightness brightness Brightness adjustments to make to the thumbnails. Values can be between -100 and 100
-contrast contrast Contrast adjustments to make to the images. Values can be between -100 and 100
-fileprefix prefix Specifies a prefix to append to the image file names.
-filename name Specify the output file name instead of using the video file name for output.
-filesuffix suffix Specifies a suffix to append to the image file names.
-filetype filetype Specifies the file type of the output image. jpeg, jpg, gif, bmp, tiff, tif, png
-log filename Logs any errors messages to the file specified

Advanced Batch Processing (using .bat files)

This will make 5 images from every avi file in the current directory:

FOR /F %%I IN ('dir *.avi /b') DO frameshots -count 5 "%%I"

This calls FrameShots on every avi and mpg file found:

FOR /F "delims=" %%I IN ('dir *.avi,*.mpg /b /s') DO frameshots "%%I" "%%~dpI\"

Note: The option /b tells dir to output a 'bare listing' meaning only file names are displayed, no headers or sizes, etc. And the /s is optional, it searches through all subdirectories as well. "%%I" is the video file name. And "%%~dpI\" specifies to output each image into the same folder the video was found. (And the \ at the end is needed so Windows doesn't add the last " to your path)

This will create a folder of the same name as your video file and output into that

FOR /F "delims=" %%I IN ('dir *.avi,*.mpg /b /s') DO (mkdir "%%~nI" || "C:\Program Files (x86)\FrameShots\frameshots.exe" -count 5 "%%I" "%%~nI")

For more help with the FOR command, type this in the command prompt:

for /?

Microsoft's FOR Documentation